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What's inside the Membership Center?

Your Healing in the Kingdom Membership Center contains a wealth of resources to help you on your healing journey. Each week, Dr. Darlene Mayo leads a series of 5 healing sessions, which are focused on a particular health related condition. These live sessions are uploaded to this site, along with content provided by guest speakers. Additionally, you get access to the supplementary content for each week's sessions, including suggested scriptures and worship playlists.

Here's a peek at some of the content

  • Spiritual Healing

    God has not forgotten you. He loves you and desires to have a relationship with you. Healing of spiritual wounds helps you connect with God more deeply and more powerfully than ever before.

  • Christ Centered Affirmations

    Learn to create powerful affirmations based on the Word of God.

  • Activation Accelerator LITE

    Learn how to connect with the Lord more deeply during activations using strategies in brain science.


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