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  • Does depression seem to be tightening its grip on you?

  • Have you tried therapy, prayer, self-help books, yet nothing seems to work?

Depression is not just in your mind. It's not just a chemical imbalance. It's not just "faulty" wiring in your brain. It's a problem not only of the mind, but also of the body, and a problem of the spirit.

You CAN break free from depression and restore your joy!

I am a neurosurgeon and a neuroscientist. I have spent the last several years teaching people how to get breakthrough in a number of areas, using groundbreaking techniques in science and in scripture. I want you to get the breakthrough I have helped so many people get and the breakthrough I have gotten myself!

Do I have to be a scientist to understand this course?

Heck NO!!! That's where I come in! I have also been a teacher for nearly 20 years. I have discovered how to take complicated ideas in neuroscience and teach them to anyone who has a high school level education. 

YOU can easily understand what I have to teach you!

You can start taking control of depression, rel and be on the path to fulfilling your destiny today!

Here's what you will learn in this course

  • Neuroscience of depression and joy

    $199 value

  • How depression affects your body

    $199 value

  • How depression affects your mind

    $199 value

  • How depression affects your spirit

    $199 value

You will also learn...

  • How to train your body, mind, and spirit for joy

    $299 value

Total Course Value Over $1000

But YOU won't pay even close to this price!

Promotional price for Fall 2021 is only $197

Invest in yourself. Invest in who you are created to be.


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